Risk Factors and Oral Cancer Prevention


Everyone needs to be aware of the risk of developing cancer of the mouth. While oral cancer may not be on the American Cancer Society's top ten common types of cancers, not knowing the risks could lead to this oral disease. 

Oral cancer is rare among children and young adults and a disease that one often does not inherit.  Oral cancer often develops over time as exposure to the risk factors increases with age. Risk factors are substances and activities that involve the use of the mouth. Some risk factors involve the consumption of certain substances in excess. Prolonged exposure to risk factors may also result in developing oral cancer.

Find out more about these risk factors and oral cancer prevention below. 


Tobacco use is the leading cause of cancer of the mouth. All forms of tobacco increase the risk of having oral cancer. Studies show that in some cases, second-hand smoke from tobacco also increases the risk of cancer. So, exposure to second-hand smoke increases the risk of oral cancer. If you smoke tobacco, take into consideration these factors, and think about quitting. If you know someone who smokes, stay away from second-hand smoke.


Alcohol consumption is also a risk factor for oral cancer. The more you drink alcohol, the higher the risk. Furthermore, drinking alcohol along with tobacco use doubles the risk. Drinking moderately, brushing your teeth, and washing away the alcohol with water immediately, are helpful steps to preventing oral cancer.  

Betel Quid and Areca Nut

Also, the consumption of betel quid and areca nut are common in certain Asian countries. However, these are cancer-causing substances. If ever you visit countries where they grow, avoid trying out these practices.

Sick with Other Cancers 

Another risk factor for cancer of the mouth is being ill with other types of cancer. Cancer cells can easily migrate from one part of the body to another. Cancer of the lungs, esophagus, larynx, or cervix increases the risk of cancer of the mouth. 

Sun Exposure

In addition, prolonged exposure to the sun may lead to developing oral cancer around the lips. Individuals whose occupations involve working out in fields, or under the sun, are at a higher risk for developing cancer of the mouth.  You can reduce the direct exposure to dangerous UV rays from the sun by protecting your lips with an SPF lip balm.


Other risk factors for oral cancer include a weak immune system and poor oral health. Fortunately, you can prevent this type of cancer. How? By refraining from or reducing the amount of exposure to the substances or activities. However, if it is difficult to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco altogether, be sure to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and gargle as soon as you finish drinking or smoking. This helps cleanse your mouth from dangerous substances. It also helps prevent the teeth from staining as a result of smoking or drinking wine. To maintain good oral hygiene, brush daily and use a good mouthwash. Our award-winning plant-based Arak Sewak Oral collection will help you maintain good oral hygiene and also help with teeth whitening and stain removal.